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Monday 17 August 2015

Introduction to Human Anatomy

Chapter Objectives                                       

  •  Define study of Anatomy
  • l Identify the levels of organization
  • l Understand anatomical and directional terminology to be used during course
  • l Review body cavities and lining membranes
      Immerse yourself into the language of Anatomy

Anatomy (= to cut open)


·     Gross Anatomy

·     Microscopic Anatomy
·      Developmental Anatomy 

·      Comparative Anatomy 

Gross Anatomy

  • Surface Anatomy (Ch 12)
  • Regional Anatomy (superficial and internal features in specific area of body, e.g. head and neck....)
  • Systemic Anatomy (11 organ systems)

11 Organ systems 
different organs work together to provide specialized functions
  • Body Coverings 
  • Support & Movement 
  • Integration & coordination
  • Transport
  • Absorption / Excretion Reproduction

Microscopic Anatomy

  • Cytology (mostly EM pictures)



  • Histology

Anatomy at Different Scales  (Metric Scale)

Levels of Organization:

Superficial Anatomy

Generally consider body in
Anatomical Position while studied
Two other positions: supine  and prone
 Anatomical Directions
Anterior vs. ?; medial vs. ?; superior vs. ? . . .  Etc. . . .
Proximal vs. distal
Anatomical Regions:   

In the clinic:  Abdomino-pelvic Regions

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